Evelyn Waugh Biography (1903-1966)

evelyn waugh picture

Evelyn Arthur St. John Waugh was born in a suburb of London in 1903, the son of a busy man-of-letters. Waugh’s origins were gentlemanly but in no way aristocratic, a point he seems to have been inordinately touchy about even as a boy. He was sent to Lancing, one of England’s less fashionable public schools; and from there he won a scholarship to one of Oxford’s decidedly less fashionable colleges. At Oxford, however, his wit, good looks, and resolute preference for the elite carried him into the company to which he aspired. There is a striking portrait of him at this time in Harold Acton’s Memoirs of an Aesthete:

«I still see him as a prancing faun, thinly disguised by conventional apparel. His wide apart eyes, always ready to be startled under raised eyebrows, the curved sensual lips, the hyacinthine locks of hair, I had seen in marble and bronze at Naples …»

Other Oxford contemporaries have spoken of him in a harsher vein: «A bitter little man» — «A social climber.»

After two years, Waugh voluntarily left Oxford without a degree, and, like Paul Pennyfeather of Decline and Fall, took a job in a school for backward boys. Later, he worked for sixteen days on Lord Beaverbrook’s Daily Express. His ambition was to be a painter, but a stint at art school left him dissatisfied with his talent. At this time, he has said, he was a pagan and «wanted to be a man of the world» — a well-rounded English gentleman in the eighteenth-century tradition. He joined in the whirl of Michael Arlen’s Mayfair. He «gadded among savages and people of fashion and politicians and crazy generals … because I enjoyed them.» But he was a worldling who could relish all this and still find it wanting. In 1930, after instruction from the celebrated Father D’Arcy, Waugh entered the Catholic Church.

A few months earlier, his marriage to the Honorable Evelyn Gardner had ended in divorce. In 1937, he married again. His second wife was a Catholic: Laura, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel The Honorable Aubrey Nigel Henry Molyneux Herbert, second son of the Earl of Carnarvon.

For nine years, Waugh had traveled often and widely, by preference to wild places. The best parts of the four travel books written during this period were later reprinted in When the Going Was Good, and they are still lively reading. One is periodically reminded, however, that Waugh’s touch is surer and more sparkling when he is using these same materials in his comic novels.

With the advent of World War II, Waugh entreated ‘friends in high places’, such as Randolph Churchill – son of Winston, to find him a service commission. Though in his late thirties and of poor eyesight, he was commissioned into the Royal Marines and found more suited for intelligence duties than that of a line officer. He was promoted to Captain but found life in the Marines dull. Following a joint exercise with No.8 Commando (Army), he applied to join them and was accepted earning credit during the evacuation of Crete. Following he was placed on extended leave for three years and reassigned to the Royal Horse Guards as a result of an anti-Catholic purge in the Commandos by Lord Lovat. During this period he wrote ‘Brideshead Revisited’. He was recalled for a military/diplomatic mission to Yugoslavia at the request of his old friend Randolph Churchill. An outcome was a formidable report detailing Tito’s persecution of the clergy which was ‘buried’ by Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden (who also attempted to discredit Waugh) to save diplomatic embarrassment as Tito was then a required ally of Britain and official ‘friend’.

In 1947 Waugh visited Hollywood as a guest of MGM to discuss a possible film version of Brideshead Revisited.

«We drove for a long time down autobahns and boulevards full of vacant lots and filling stations and nondescript buildings and palm trees with a warm hazy light. It was more like Egypt – the suburbs of Cairo or Alexandria – than anything in Europe. We arrived at the Bel Air Hotel – very Egyptian with a hint of Addis Ababa in the smell of the blue gums.»

Hollywood saw Brideshead purely as a love story. Waugh refused to accept proposed changes and confessed in his diary that he was relieved when the project failed.

After the war, Waugh settled for many years at Piers Court in a secluded part of Gloucestershire, from which he occasionally made sorties to his London clubs. «I live in a shabby stone house,» he wrote in Life, «in which nothing is under a hundred years old except the plumbing, and that does not work. I collect old books in an inexpensive, desultory way. [His major avocation was the study of theology.] I have a fast emptying cellar of wine and gardens fast reverting to jungle. I have numerous children [three girls and two boys] whom I see once a day for ten, I hope, awe-inspiring minutes.»

A few years previous Randolph Churchill said of Waugh:

«He grows more old-fashioned every day. He seeks to live in an oasis.»

Waugh himself affirmed with pride that he was «two hundred years» behind the times, and that there is no political party in existence which he finds sufficiently (in the strictly literal sense of the word) reactionary. He refused to learn to drive a car. He wrote with a pen which had to be continually dipped in the inkwell. And he preferred to communicate even with his neighbors by written message rather than resort to the telephone. A literary friend of Waugh’s once delivered a summation which neatly reflects the tenor of the anecdotes about him. It went:

» Oh, I adore Evelyn. He’s so frightfully witty and so fearfully rude. Terribly conceited, of course — and, poor sweet, rather ridiculous. But such a good writer!»

Waugh died in 1966.

In 2001, three of his books were named as part of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century by the editorial board of the American Modern Library.

SOURCE: http://www.leninimports.com/evelyn_waugh.html


‘You will not find your father greatly changed,’ remarked Lady Moping, as the car turned into the gates
of the County Asylum.
‘Will he be wearing a uniform ?’ asked Angela,
“No, dear, of course not. He is receiving the very best attention.’
It was Angela’s first visit and it was being made at her own suggestion.
Ten years had passed since the showery day in late summer when Lord Moping had been taken away; a day of confused but bitter memories for her; the day of Lady Moping’s annual garden party, always bitter, confused that day by the caprice of the weather which, remaining clear and brilliant with promise until the arrival of the first guests, had suddenly blackened into a squall. There had been a scuttle for cover; the marquee had capsized; a frantic carrying of cushions and chairs; a table-cloth lofted to the boughs of the monkey-puzzler, fluttering in the rain; a bright period and the cautious emergence of guests on to the soggy lawns; another squall; another twenty minutes of sunshine. It had been an abominable afternoon, culminating at about six o’clock in her father’s attempted suicide.
Lord Moping habitually threatened suicide on the occasion of the garden party; that year he had been found black in the face, hanging by his braces in the orangery; some neighbours, who were sheltering there from the rain, set him on his feet again, and before dinner a van had called for him. Since then Lady Moping had paid seasonal calls at the asylum and returned in time for tea, rather reticent of her experience.
Many of her neighbours were inclined to be critical of Lord Moping’s accommodation. He was not, of course, an ordinary inmate. He lived in a separate wing of the asylum, specially devoted to the segregation of wealthier lunatics. These were given every consideration which their foibles permitted.
They might choose their own clothes (many indulged in the liveliest fancies), smoke the most expensive brands of cigars and, on the anniversaries of their certification, entertain any other inmates for whom they had an attachment to private dinner parties.
The fact remained, however, that it was far from being the most expensive kind of institution; the uncompromising address, ‘COUNTY HOME FOR MENTAL DEFECTIVES’, stamped across the notepaper, worked on the uniforms of their attendants, painted, even, upon a prominent hoarding at the main entrance, suggested the lowest associations. From time to time, with less or more tact, her friends attempted to bring to Lady Moping’s notice particulars of seaside nursing homes, of ‘qualified practitioners with large private grounds suitable for the charge of nervous or difficult cases’, but she accepted them lightly; when her son came of age he might make any changes that he thought fit; meanwhile she felt no inclination to relax her economical regime; her husband had betrayed her basely on the one day in the year when she looked for loyal support, and was far better off than he deserved.
A few lonely figures in great-coats were shuffling and loping about the park.
‘Those are the lower-class lunatics,’ observed Lady Moping. There is a very nice little flower garden for people like your, father. I sent them some cuttings last year.’
They drove past the blank, yellow brick facade to the doctor’s private entrance and were received by him in the ‘visitors room’, set aside for interviews of this kind. The window was protected on the inside by bars and wire netting; there was no fireplace; when Angela nervously attempted to move her chair further from the radiator, she found that it was screwed to the floor.
“Lord Moping is quite ready to see you,’ said the doctor.
‘How is he?’
‘Oh, very well, very well indeed, I’m glad to say. He had rather a nasty cold some time ago, but apart from that his condition is excellent He spends a lot of his time in writing.”
They heard a shuffling, skipping sound approaching along the flagged passage. Outside the door a high
peevish voice, which Angela recognized as her father’s, said: ‘I haven’t the time, I tell you. Let them come back later.’
A gentler tone, with a slight rural burr, replied, ‘Now come along. It is a purely formal audience. You need stay no longer than you like.’
Then the door was pushed open (it had no lock or fastening) and Lord Moping came into the room. He was attended by an elderly little man with full white hair and an expression of great kindness.
‘That is Mr Loveday who acts as Lord Moping’s attendant.’
‘Secretary,’ said Lord Moping. He moved with a jogging gait and shook hands with his wife.
‘This is Angela. You remember Angela, don’t you?’“No, I can’t say that I do. What does she want?’
“We just came to see you.’
‘Well, you have come at an exceedingly inconvenient time. I am very busy. Have you typed out that letter to the Pope yet, Loveday ?’
‘No, my lord. If you remember, you asked me to look up the figures about the Newfoundland fisheries first ?’
‘So I did. Well, it is fortunate, as I think the whole letter will have to be redrafted. A great deal of new information has come to light since luncheon. A great deal … You see, my dear, I am fully occupied.’
He turned his restless, quizzical eyes upon Angela. ‘I suppose you have come about the Danube. Well, you must come again later. Tell them it will be all right, quite all right, but I have not had time to give my full attention to it. Tell them that.’
‘Very well, Papa.’
‘Anyway,’ said Lord Moping rather petulantly, ‘it is a matter of secondary importance. There is the Elbe and the Amazon and the Tigris to be dealt with first, eh, Loveday? … Danube indeed. Nasty little river. I’d only call it a stream myself. Well, can’t stop, nice of you to come. I would do more for you if I could, but you see how I’m fixed. Write to me about it That’s it. Put it in black and white.’
And with that he left the room.
“You see,’ said the doctor, “he is in excellent condition. He is putting on weight, eating and sleeping excellently. In fact, the whole tone of his system is above reproach.’
The door opened again and Loveday returned.
‘Forgive my coming back, sir, but I was afraid that the young lady might be upset at his lordship’s not knowing her. You mustn’t mind him, miss. Next time he’ll be very pleased to see you. It’s only today he’s put out on account of being behindhand with his work. You see, sir, all this week I’ve been helping in the library and I haven’t been able to get all his lordship’s reports typed out. And he’s got muddled with his card index. That’s all it is. He doesn’t mean any harm.’
‘What a nice man,’ said Angela, when Loveday had gone back to his charge.
‘Yes. I don’t know what we should do without old Loveday. Everybody loves him, staff and patients alike.’
‘I remember him well It’s a great comfort to know that you are able to get such good warders,’ said Lady Moping; ‘people who don’t know, say such foolish things about asylums.’
‘Oh, but Loveday isn’t a warder,’ said the doctor.
‘You don’t mean he’s cuckoo, too?’ said Angela.
The doctor corrected her.
‘He is an inmate. It is rather an interesting case. He has been here for thirty-five years.’
‘But I’ve never seen anyone saner,’ said Angela.
‘He certainly has that air,’ said the doctor, ‘and in the last twenty years we have treated him as such. He is the life and soul of the place. Of course he is not one of the private patients, but we allow him to mix freely with them. He plays billiards excellently, does conjuring tricks at the concert, mends their gramophones, valets them, helps them in their crossword puzzles and various – er- hobbies. We allow them to give him small tips for services rendered, and he must by now have amassed quite a little fortune. He has a way with even the most troublesome of them. An invaluable man about the place.’
‘Yes, but why is he here?’
“Well, it is rather sad. When he was a very young man he killed somebody – a young woman quite unknown to him, whom he knocked off her bicycle and then throttled. He gave himself up immediately afterwards and has been here ever since.’
‘But surely he is perfectly safe now. Why is he not let out?’
‘Well, I suppose if it was to anyone’s interest, he would be. He has no relatives except a step-sister who lives in Plymouth. She used to visit him at one time, but she hasn’t been for years now. He’s perfectly happy here and I can assure you we aren’t going to take the first steps in turning him out. He’s far too useful to us.’
‘But it doesn’t seem fair,’ said Angela.
‘Look at your father,’ said the doctor. ‘He’d be quite lost without Loveday to act as his secretary.’
‘It doesn’t seem fair.’
Angela left the asylum, oppressed by a sense of injustice. Her mother was unsympathetic.
‘Think of being locked up in a looney bin all one’s life.’
‘He attempted to hang himself in the orangery,’ replied Lady Moping, ‘in front of the ChesterMartins.’
‘I don’t mean Papa. I mean Mr Loveday.’‘I don’t think I know him.’
‘Yes, the looney they have put to look after Papa.’
“Your father’s secretary. A very decent sort of man, I thought, and eminently suited to his work.’
Angela left the question for the time, but returned to it again at luncheon on the following day.
‘Mums, what does one have to do to get people out of the bin?’
“The bin? Good gracious, child, I hope that you do not anticipate your father’s return here.’
‘No, no. Mr Loveday.’
‘Angela, you seem to me to be totally bemused. I see it was a mistake to take you with me on our little visit yesterday.’
After luncheon Angela disappeared to the library and was’ soon immersed in the lunacy laws as represented in the encyclopaedia.
She did not re-open the subject with her mother, but a fortnight later, when there was a question of taking some pheasants over to her father for his eleventh Certification Party she showed an unusual willingness to run over with them. Her mother was occupied with other interests and noticed nothing suspicious.
Angela drove her small car to the asylum, and after delivering the game, asked for Mr Loveday. He was busy at the time making a crown for one of his companions who expected hourly to be anointed Emperor of Bra2il, but he left his work and enjoyed several minutes’ conversation with her. They spoke about her father’s health and spirits. After a time Angela remarked, ‘Don’t you ever want to get away ?’
Mr Loveday looked at her with his gentle, blue-grey eyes. ‘I’ve got very well used to the life, miss. I’m fond of the poor people here, and I think that several of them are quite fond of me. At least, I think they would miss me if I were to go.’
‘But don’t you ever think of being free again?’
‘Oh yes, miss, I think of it – almost all the time I think of it.’
‘What would you do if you got out? There must be something you would sooner do than stay here.’
The old man fidgeted uneasily. ‘Well, miss, it sounds ungrateful, but I can’t deny I should welcome a little outing, once, before I get too old to enjoy it. I expect we all have our secret ambitions, and there is one thing I often wish I could do. You mustn’t ask me what…. It wouldn’t take long. But I do feel that if I had done it, just for a day, art afternoon even, then I would die quiet. I could settle down again easier, and devote myself to the poor crazed people here with a better heart. Yes, I do feel that.’
There were tears in Angela’s eyes that afternoon as she drove away. ‘He shall have his little outing, bless him,” she said.
From that day onwards for many weeks Angela had a new purpose in life. She moved about the ordinary routine of her home with an abstracted air and an unfamiliar, reserved courtesy which greatly disconcerted Lady Moping.
‘I believe the child’s in love. I only pray that it isn’t that uncouth Egbertson boy.’
She read a great deal in the library, she cross-examined any guests who had pretensions to legal or medical knowledge, she showed extreme goodwill to old Sir Roderick Lane-Foscote, their Member. The names ‘alienist’, ‘barrister’ or ‘government official’ now had for her the glamour that formerly surrounded film actors and professional wrestlers. She was a woman with a cause, and before the end of the hunting season she had triumphed. Mr Loveday achieved his liberty.
The doctor at the asylum showed reluctance but no real opposition. Sir Roderick wrote to the Home Office. The necessary papers were signed, and at last the day came when Mr Loveday took leave of the home where he had spent such long and useful years.
His departure was marked by some ceremony. Angela and Sir Roderick Lane-Foscote sat with the doctors on the stage of the gymnasium. Below them were assembled everyone in the institution who was thought to be stable enough to endure the excitement.
Lord Moping, with a few suitable expressions of regret, presented Mr Loveday on behalf of the wealthier lunatics with a gold cigarette case; those who supposed themselves to be emperors showered him with decorations and titles of honour. The warders gave him a silver watch and many of the nonpaying inmates were in tears on the day of the presentation.
The doctor made the main speech of the afternoon. ‘Remember,’ he remarked, ‘that you leave behind you nothing but our warmest good wishes. You are bound to us by ties that none will forget. Time will only deepen our sense of debt to you. If at any time in the future you should grow tired of your life in the world, there will always be a welcome for you here. Your post will be open.’
A dozen or so variously afflicted lunatics hopped and skipped after him down the drive until the iron gates opened and Mr Loveday stepped into his freedom. His small trunk had already gone to the station; he elected to walk. He had been reticent about his plans, but he was well provided with money, and the general impression was that he would go to London and enjoy himself a little before visiting his step-sister in Plymouth.
It was to the surprise of all that he returned within two hours of his liberation. He was smiling whimsically, a gentle, self-regarding smile of reminiscence.
‘I have come back,’ he informed the doctor. ‘I think that I now I shall be here for good.’‘But, Loveday, what a short holiday. I’m afraid that you have hardly enjoyed yourself at all.’‘Oh yes, sir, thank you, sir, I’ve enjoyed myself very much. I’d been promising myself one little treat, all these years. It was short, sir, but most enjoyable. Now I shall be able to settle down again to my work here without any regrets.’
Half a mile up the road from the asylum gates, they later discovered an abandoned bicycle. It was a lady’s machine of some antiquity. Quite near it in the ditch lay the strangled body of a young woman, who, riding home to her tea, had chanced to overtake Mr Loveday, as he strode along, musing on his opportunities.

At an accommodation agency { page 166 – unit 46 }

At an accommodation agency

MARTIN: Good morning. My name is Martin Nelson. Are you the manager?
MANAGER: Yes, I am. How can I help you, Mr Nelson?
MARTIN: I want an apartment in central London.
MANAGER: Certainly, Mr Nelson. How much rent do you want to pay?
MARTIN: No more than 1,000 a month
MANAGER: 1,000 a month? We don’t often have apartments as inexpensive as that. Not in central London. We have one apartment for 2,179 a month in Notting Hill. It’s down near the station in Northend Avenue.
MARTIN: Is it furnished?
MANAGER: No. lt’s unfurnished. The kitchen has no oven. It’s forbidden to use the . No friends in the apartment after eleven in the evening. No noise and no television after 11.15 pm No…
MARTIN: No thank you! I want an apartment, not a prison!

Mum’s muffins { page 163 – unit 45 }

Mum’s muffins

MALCOLM: Mum, may Tim Mitcham come home with me for tea tomorrow?

MRS MACCALLUM: Of course, Malcolm. Have I met Tim before?

MALCOLM: You met him in the summer. He’s very small.

MRS MACCALLUM: Oh, yes. I remember Tim. He’s very smart. And he has charming manners. Does his family come from Cambridge?

MALCOLM: Yes. And… Oh, Mum! Will you make some home-made muffins, tomorrow?

MRS MACCALLUM: Mm. Maybe. If I have time.

MALCOLM: I told Tim about your muffins, Mum. That’s why he’s coming for tea tomorrow.

Dialogos de Fonética de primero (Casareski)

Guys, an splendid idea that a partner gave me was to listen to the dialogs in the cellphone itself.

Great idea don’t you think?

Here you have the EIGHTEEN dialogs.

— page 83 – unit 23 – Passports please (80 – B80)

Passports please


— page 87 – unit 24 – Happy birthday (87 – B87)

Happy birthday


— page 91 – unit 25 – In a department store (93 – B93)

In a department store


— page 95 – unit 26 – A damaged telephone line (06 – C6)

A damaged telephone line


— page 99 – unit 27 – The cuckoo clock (11 – C11)

The cuckoo clock


— page 103 – unit 28 – Craig and Maggie’s answering machine (17 – C17)

Craig and Maggie’s answering machine


— page 108 – unit 30 – It’s expensive (23 – C23)

It’s expensive


— page 112 – unit 31 – Surprises  in the post office (30 – C30)

Surprises  in the post office


— page 116 – unit 32 – A special washing machine (36 – C36)

A special washing machine


— page 122 – unit 34 – At the butcher’s shop (46 – C46)

At the butcher’s shop


— page 126 – unit 35 – A dangerous bridge (53 – C53)

A dangerous bridge


— page 133 – unit 37 – A funny photographer (63 – C63)

A funny photographer


— page 137 – unit 38 – A fine view (71 – C71)

A fine view


— page 140 – unit 39 – A walk in the woods (06 – D6)

A walk in the woods


— page 144 – unit 40 – Not so stupid (14 – D14)

Not so stupid


— page 149 – unit 41 – A horrible accident (21 – D21)

A horrible accident


— page 153 – unit 42 – Gossips (32 – D32)



— page 157 – unit 43 – The hat in the window (41 – D41)

The hat in the window


African-American history

Hi there guys. I would like to share with you some information that might be useful for you to know more about the African-American citizens.

In this link, you would find a really extensive «Black history timeline»


You will get to know how the first African slaves were brought to USA, how all started and how all continued up to almost the present.

There are also some links that takes you to different sections such as Videos (you will find videos on Martin Luther King, Jr, Nelson Mandela, Michael Jackson and Aretha Franklin to name a few), Photos (with diverse topics such as African-American Firsts Athletes, Black Comedians and so on), Study Guides (in here you will find background information, activity ideas, and discussion questions about people who were inspirational for the wolrdwide culture) and a game that was really hard for me because I lack the necessary historical information about African-American people.

In summary, this webpage it’s amazingly outstanding for educational purposes!


SOURCE: http://www.biography.com/

Claudia Ferradas

Here some information about Claudia Ferradas on the oncoming conference in Argentina

Claudia is an experienced presenter and ELT author who travels the world as a teacher educator. She has run training sessions and participated in conferences in South America, the Caribbean, the USA, Europe and South East Asia.  She holds an MA in Education and Professional Development from the University of East Anglia, UK, and a PhD in English Studies from the University of Nottingham.  In Argentina, where she is based, she is a lecturer at the Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas and the Instituto Superior del Profesorado “Joaquín V. González”, Buenos Aires, and in the MA programme in Literatures in English at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza. In the UK, Claudia is a Visiting Fellow and research supervisor at the School of Languages, Leeds Metropolitan University, and an Associate Trainer with NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education). She also teaches in the “Máster Oficial en Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera” at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain.

Claudia often works as a consultant, materials designer and facilitator for the British Council and has co-chaired the Oxford Conference on the Teaching of Literature on five occasions. She has also worked as Project Manager for the Penguin Active Readers Teacher Support Programme.


and also a video so we can peek the way she talks and the variety in her vocabulary (which it is extensive, by the way)

Phonetic Transcription Library

Guys, aqui les copio un enlace que la mismisima Stella Maris Saubidet Oyhamburu (mi profesora preferida :p) me ha pasado. (Me siento en la gloria, sepanlo)

En este enlace encontraran (segun el propio sitio):

PhoTransEdit Library is a compilation of English Texts and their corresponding phonetic transcription to help you practise.

Está muy bueno ya que tenés textos y más abajo su correspondiente transcription. Asi, pueden chequear si lo hicieron bien o no.

Espero que les sirva!

PS: Otra cosa, se puede navegar online y OFFLINE tambien. Yay!


Carta por Lengua y Expresión Escrita I (CAI)

Alte. Brown, 31 de agosto de 2012

Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Nº 41

Consejo Académico Institucional:

Los alumnos de 1° año de Profesorado de Ingles, nos dirigimos a ustedes con el fin de hacer conocer nuestra preocupación por la situación  vivida en la materia Lengua y Expresión Escrita I durante el primer cuatrimestre del ciclo lectivo. A causa de la superpoblación del aula en esta materia y los inconvenientes educativos que esto produce, gran cantidad de compañeros deserto de la materia.

Nuestra preocupación proviene de las consecuencias provocadas por sufrir una cursada en malas condiciones durante el primer cuatrimestre. En el plan de estudio, la asignatura Lengua y Expresión Escrita I contiene correlatividades que afecta todos los años de la carrera. Por lo tanto, está en juego el poder avanzar en nuestra carrera. El mal aprendizaje en estas instancias también repercutirá próximamente en otras materias.

Los alumnos nos vemos vulnerables frente a esta situación en la que no recibimos respuestas por parte de las autoridades de la institución de la que formamos parte, habiendo enviado una carta anteriormente. Consideramos que no se valora el tiempo que invertimos en cursar dicha materia, no se valora el sacrificio que implica continuar estudiando es malas condiciones, se ignora el gasto económico que produce esta materia porque no solo se utilizan fichas de cátedra sino que además se utilizan varias novelas para lectura, sumado a que debido al mal aprendizaje que se sufre hay que recurrir por nuestros propios medios a otras instancias (instituciones privadas, profesores particulares, libros de gramática, etc.) para poder adquirir el nivel especulado para presentarse ante una mesa de examen final.

Los alumnos, en busca de una solución, pedimos formalmente una reunión con autoridades del I.S.F.D Nº 41; en esta reunión seriamos representados por el delegado, subdelegado y delegados suplentes de nuestro curso. Pretendemos presentar propuestas que colaboren a la solución de la problemática presente en Lengua y Expresión Escrita I y sobre todo que beneficien al alumnado, que es el ente más importante en las instituciones educativas.

Agradecemos su atención.


Alumnos de 1° año de Profesorado de Ingles



Carta por Lengua y Expresión Escrita I (Barbara)

Alte. Brown, 31 de agosto de 2012

Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Nº 41

Jefa de Área de Profesorado de Inglés

Lic. Barbara Grodzki:

Los alumnos de 1° año de Profesorado de Ingles, nos dirigimos a usted con el fin de hacer conocer nuestra preocupación por la situación vivida en la materia Lengua y Expresión Escrita I durante el primer cuatrimestre del ciclo lectivo. A causa de la superpoblación del aula en esta materia y los inconvenientes educativos que esto produce, gran cantidad de compañeros deserto de la materia.

Nuestra preocupación proviene de las consecuencias provocadas por sufrir una cursada en malas condiciones durante el primer cuatrimestre. En el plan de estudio, la asignatura Lengua y Expresión Escrita I contiene correlatividades que afecta todos los años de la carrera. Por lo tanto, está en juego el poder avanzar en nuestra carrera. El mal aprendizaje en estas instancias también repercutirá próximamente en otras materias.

Los alumnos nos vemos vulnerables frente a esta situación. Consideramos que no se valora el tiempo que invertimos en cursar dicha materia, no se valora el sacrificio que implica continuar estudiando es malas condiciones, se ignora el gasto económico que produce esta materia porque no solo se utilizan fichas de cátedra sino que además se utilizan varias novelas para lectura, sumado a que debido al mal aprendizaje que se sufre hay que recurrir por nuestros propios medios a otras instancias (instituciones privadas, profesores particulares, libros de gramática, etc.) para poder adquirir el nivel especulado para presentarse ante una mesa de examen final.

Los alumnos, en busca de una solución, pedimos formalmente una reunión con usted, en carácter de Jefa de Área de Profesorado de Inglés; en esta reunión seriamos representados por el delegado, subdelegado y delegados suplentes de nuestro curso. Pretendemos presentar propuestas que colaboren a la solución de la problemática presente en Lengua y Expresión Escrita I y sobre todo que beneficien al alumnado, que es el ente más importante en las instituciones educativas.

Agradecemos su atención y predisposición para revertir esta situación.


Alumnos de 1° año de Profesorado de Ingles